
Hands-on experience #5 from solving complex projects: Complex projects: 8,5 things to do for easier navigation

Cover Image for Hands-on experience #5 from solving complex projects: Complex projects: 8,5 things to do for easier navigation
Thor Mønsted
Thor Mønsted

Complex projects: 8,5 things to do for easier navigation

Seriously, working with a high complex project is both exciting, a super interesting learning opportunity, and one big smile (because it makes me full of joy when we succeed together despite massive challenges).

You will get your hands burned, but don't worry - next time you know better.

I have worked with high complex (and chaotic) projects since 2007, and I would be happy to do it again and again and...

High complex projects are characterized by multiple unknown factors, numerous uncertainties, a long list of known and unknown risks, and an unclear path toward goals. These projects often involve multiple interdependencies with initially no clear link.

But that can also be seem like a challenging or never-ending puzzle.

However, with the right mindset and strategic approach, project managers can navigate the complexities and lead their teams to success.

Your job as a project manager

As a project manager for a high complex project, you have 4 main themes to focus on:

  • Get sh_it done together with the team
  • Document as much as possible
  • Communicate as much as possible
  • Adapt


8,5 things that can make the journey easier for you

1: Design Comprehensive Risk Assessment

  • Identify known and potential risks early in the project and update the risk daily/weekly
  • "Design" the road towards to goals with the team - Brainstorm about all thinkable risks and limitations
  • Develop contingency plans for high-impact, high-probability risks - Accept that the project can have a plan A, B, C ...

2: Phases and Agile Methodologies

  • Define phases for analyze, discovery, MVP'ing, testing, etc.
  • Work agile in the phases and adapt to changing requirements/learnings
  • Break down the project into smaller, manageable iterations
  • Foster a culture of collaboration and flexibility within the team

3: Robust Communication Strategy - SUPER important

  • Establish clear communication channels within the team
  • Encourage open and transparent communication
  • Regularly update stakeholders and sponsor on project progress, challenges, and adjustments

4: Stakeholder Engagement - SUPER important

  • Identify and engage key stakeholders early in the project
  • Understand their expectations, concerns, and priorities
  • Foster a collaborative relationship to ensure alignment with project goals
  • Engage stakeholders to help overcome risks and issues

5: Continuous Learning and Adaptation

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning within the team
  • Encourage adaptability and flexibility in response to new/emerging challenges
  • Analyze each phase, each MVP and each test. Gather data and learnings. Adapt for the next phase/sprint

6: Documentation

  • In general document as much as possible
  • Become a super rock star in taking notes from meetings, brainstorms, discussions, tests, etc. etc.
  • Create a risk log, an issue log and a decision log

7: Invest in Team Development - Only together you will succeed. Egos are not invited

  • Provide ongoing training to enhance the team’s skill set
  • Foster a positive team culture that encourages innovation and problem-solving - SUPER important
  • Recognize and reward team achievements to boost morale

8: Iterative Goal Setting

  • Establish clear project goals but be open to refining them as the project progresses
  • Break down long-term objectives into short-term, achievable milestones
  • Regularly reassess goals based on project dynamics and feedback - SUPER important to involve stakeholders and sponsor

8,5: Utilize Project Management Tools

  • In complex projects, project management tools are of course very handy- but your ability to define, track, and solve phases and tasks (and adapt) is much more important


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Cover Image for Hands-on experience #11 from 15y in complex projects: Describe the stakeholders surrounding the problem

Hands-on experience #11 from 15y in complex projects: Describe the stakeholders surrounding the problem

Project success hinges not only on the clarity of the problem statement but also on the profound understanding of the stakeholders, organizational landscape and hierarchical structures surrounding the identified problem. There is a critical importance of looking into the (complex) web of relationships, perspectives and organizational structures - especially in larger established organization with a maybe conservative culture.

Cover Image for Hands-on experience #10 from business projects: What has previously been tried to solve the problem, that failed?

Hands-on experience #10 from business projects: What has previously been tried to solve the problem, that failed?

Like nothing else, this is so much about seeing historical "failures" as learnings. Armed with insights from past failures, project managers can chart a course that not only avoids the pitfalls of the past but also paves the way for innovative and effective solutions.

Thor Mønsted
Thor Mønsted